Automation |
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Production of a wide range of products for a number of industries is our main activity
Our Solutions

automation services

Modern and renovated facilities stream to have good control of their resources. Energy expenditure, Office and Parking space utilisation and Comfortable Temperatures is on the priority list. All of this is only achielvable through systems which constantly and efficiently monitor Space, Temperature, Humidity, Air Quality, Luminance, Power Consumption, People movement among many others. The sensors convey the information to the intelligent head end which both adjusts the conditions as required and delivers the necessary information to the Facility Manager to take an informed decision. INT knows how to integrate systems.

Our Process

Imagine and create

  • Plan

    Intelligent building

    Lighting, HVAC Control, Power Monitoring.

  • Design

    Counting & Monitoring

    Energy Saving, Tailgate detection, Queue Management, Flow Management, High Security Access Control, Climate & Environmental Control.

  • Build


    Tags, Cards, Wristbands, Reader Antennas, Stationary and Handheld Readers, Management Software.

  • Support

    Parking Systems

    Ticket Dispensers, Parking application Barriers, Fee Computers, Parking Guidance Systems, Automatic Pay Stations, Management Software.